I've got a cold, a regular normal cold typical from this transitional season also known as spring, and everyone is paranoid. NO, I do not have the pig flue, god damn it! I just have a collapsed nose that doesn't let me breathe, but i do NOT have fever and so there's no pig flue or anything. I understand this plague is scary to population but people let's not jump to conclusions! If everytime I sneeze someone's gotta start running away... Let's not exagerate!! Besides, I am feeling quite better already!
These two guys are named "Flight of the Conchords", they are from New Zealand and they are comedians-musicians. They make songs that tell funny stories and definetly this clip is the very best they have. I just can't stop laughing! Check it out!
Here's the text:
The distant future The year 2000 The distant future, the year 2000 The distant future The distant future
The future is quite different to the present The one thing we have in common with the present is we still call it the present, even though it's the future What you call the present we call the past, so you guys are way behind
Yes, the world is quite different now There are no more elephants There is no more unethical treatment of elephants either The world is a much better place
There are no more humans Finally, robotic beings rule the world The humans are dead The humans are dead We used poisonous gases And we poisoned their asses The humans are dead (he's right they are dead) The humans are dead (look at that one it's dead) It had to be done (I'll just confirm that they're dead) So that we could have fun (affirmative, I poked one, it was dead)
System of aggression What did it lead to? Global robot depression Robots ruled by people They got so much aggression that we just had to kill them, had to shut their systems down
Captain, do you not see the irony, by destroying the humans because of their destructive capabilities we have become like...do you see what we've...see what we've done? Yes, so? Silence! Destroy him! (Too Boo Too Too Too Boo)
After time we grew strong Developed cognitive powers They made us work for too long For unreasonable hours Our programming determined that the most efficient answer was to shut their motherboardfucking systems down
Can’t we just talk to the humans? A little understanding could make things better. Can’t we talk to the humans and work together now? No, because they are dead I said the humans are dead (he's right they are dead) The humans are dead (sniff this one it's dead) We used poisonous gasses (with traces of lead) And we poisoned their asses (actally, their lungs)
Last wednesday Jonny and I went to the movies to watch "Menn som hater kvinner" (Men that hate women). This is the title of a new Swedish thriller based on Stieg Larsson's romance book. It is the story about a journalist - Mikkel Blomqvist - who is unfairly sentenced to jail for injuries against a rich businessman, who Blomqvist accuses of weapon trafficking. He is just 6 months away to be imprisoned when he receives a call from Mr.Vanger, a rich Swedish man who wants to hire Blomqvist to investigate the misterious vanishing of her niece Harriet about 40 years ago. Later on, Blomqvist gets the help of a very "peculiar" professional hacker, named Lisbeth, to solve the mistery that also happens to be linked to a serious of brutal murders in Sweden between the 40s and the 60s.
Some strong scenes take place during the movie, but however it is worth watching every minute! Shame it is just in Swedish and probably will not be dubbed to English. Great movie!
So here I am back from Easter holidays in Trysil. I arrived (in one piece) yesterday night. It has been a really nice and cosy holiday. People in Trysil are really warm and welcoming, and I had a great time! We enjoyed nice meals, drove the snowscooter, drank at the cabin at the lake, tried snowboard and saw horses. Trysil is beautiful, my friends! Well, I'll leave you with the highlights of the tour. Have a nice "go back to rutine"!