Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tomorrow's plan

Hi! Tomorrow I have free from work and I have been telling myself it's time to get up the couch and work out. I trained last on wednesday when I was alone at the apartment. It goes way too long between each workout! Even though I know working out is important I have a really hard time getting started. I really don't like working out. It's boring and I have a hard time understanding how some people are able to enjoy it at all. I constantly read on Facebook about people who are "looking forward to training". Good for them! Now how do I get smitten by the training fever? Only before I met Jonny I was in a period where I did work out twice a week, but after I met him I was always going to his place and leaving the static bike behind. Now the bike is a beautiful towel hanger!
The steps machine I got in Christmas is easier to move and I prefer it to the bike because I can work my butt with it. 

I hope I will find it within myself to have the will to work out tomorrow morning!
In the afternoon we have visit from Elisabeth, a friend we haven't seen for a loooong time. Jonny invited her over for dinner and wine. It's going to be really cosy!

Also tomorrow Doribeth and I are going to finally purchase our vacation. I've spent the whole morning at her house checking out all the offers on the computer. We've decided to go to a five star resort & spa hotel in Alanya (Turkey). Looking really forward to that! We can deny we've been drewling all morning at the thought of a luxury hotel! More deets on the hotel later!
I'm going to make myself something to eat now. I'm starved after work. See ya!
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