Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sometimes it sucks to be me

Days like today are not good... well, actually they are a bit ambiguous. First of  all, congratulations to my dad whose birthday is today! Happy birthday! The good side can be described in two words: Grønn Pepper. The bad side: work.
I've been at work all morning and tomorrow I was due to work at 3pm. Apparently the night receptionist is sick so we tried calling our reception's manager but she won't pick up the phone! So my colleague Malene is working a 16-hour shift and I have to work early instead of late tomorrow. All of this information I got to know while being half drunk at a friend of Jonny's place. Fantastic!
The good side is that today I finally ate at "Grønn Pepper" and it was delicious! We got the best fajitas we've ever tasted and the best dessert ever!!! Tachaaaaaan! Pecans pie!

The pecans pie at Grønn Pepper, a dessert made by perfection itself

It was soooo good I am going to dream about it tonight! Heavenly delicious!
I was going to post some pictures about today but as a "great" ending to a "magnificent" day, I managed to format the SD card and now all the pictures are gone. Yeee-haw!
Now I'm going to go to bed and forget that my job sucks, my bosses earn more than me but don't step up when needed and that I have holidays when Jonny will be at work so we can't have vacation at the same time. LIFE SUCKS!!! To compensate for a shitty work life, destiny has put the best boyfriend ever in my life and some good friends to make it all better. Nighty night!

Update: And just to make my day even better... I am doing extra hours! Yeeyyy...
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