Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Arriving to Barcelona

My day in pictures!
After sleeping barely two hours I headed towards the airport at 5:20 am. Eaaaarly!

I arrived to Værnes around 6:30 am and was positively surprised to discover free wi-fi. So here I am having some orange juice and checking my Facebook.

After two freaking long flights I arrived to my destination. Then I had to wait some more for my parents to pick me up. I'm glad I had bought two magazines!
And I'm home!

I put on some nice clothes and initiate what I like to call the "Hello I'm home" informative round. This is when I visit family and friends and let them know I'm in town (although most of them already knew). My sister and me stopped at Mango where I bought two t-shirts.
We also make a stop at the bakery and I get some of the chocolate croissants I used to eat as a child. Delicious!

More tomorrow! I wish Jonny was here with me!
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