Gratulerer med dagen, Norge!
Update: I just got to hear that the bunad I tagged as 'Trysilbunad' is in fact wrong. The bunad in the image is from the region of Hedmark, but the city of Trysil has a different bunad if it's own. Sometimes it's quite hard to know which bunad belongs to each place because there are several models and each website tags them differently.
I also thought I'd show you all the wonderful gifts I've gotten in my birthday! I'm so thankful because each and everyone of them is personal and thoughtful. So thank you SO much! And thanks also for coming to my birthday party at home all of you who could! I was worried people would not speak since they don't know each other so well, but everyone was very nice and talkative to each other. It was all I was hoping for!
I got a huge amount of cosmetics from Susanne and Andreas. I was starting to be empty so this is just amazing. I also got a towel with my face on and fridge magnets with a picture of Susanne and me together. Thanks a lot!!! It was so cool!!!
I got a hairdryer with ion-function from Jonny and a haircurler from Diana and Frode. I'm in hair heaven! Thank youuuuu!!!
Doribeth, Christian and Priscilla got me this lovely blue bag that matches my blue ballerina shoes. Gracias!
Understanding my frustration with my way-too-slow computer, Jonny got me this hardrive to put an end to my suffering. My patience thanks you enormously!
I got this beautiful bouquet from Espen, Frank and Ingveig. I love the Norwegian colors it has!
And last but not least, all the birthday cards from everyone and in the middle there's an envelope with two movie tickets I got from Ove. We're sure going to use those soon!
I also got a giftcard from Siri on the internet so I can buy cosmetics and make-up on an Awesome! And some other gifts are on their way to Trondheim. Wonder what they are, I'm so curious!!! Conclusion:
I'm one lucky bitch!