Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Aloha! Jonny had bought me a t-shirt that arrived today in the post. It's from the movie "Kick Ass" and it's pretty cool! I love the colors!
Later today Dori and Christian came by with Priscilla, who's going to stay with us for a week or so while they are in France. Doribeth has a friend who is getting married so they are travelling to Lyon to assist to the wedding and going to Paris for 3 days after that.
Oh, how I wish it was september aleady so I can travel to Paris with Jonny! Looking forward to it!

Dori brought this lovely plant, and some parsley and chive we can use to cook  

Check out Priscilla in this video. She was trying to scratch me on the lips because I was making weird sounds. She's so funny! (Sorry it's a bit dark but the light was off).

Blog you soon!
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