Saturday, September 25, 2010


No, I am not asking you to guess the post title. I just want to show you my new GUESS handbag! Isn't it perfect? Ideal for going out at night. It's small, pretty and you can hang it around on the shoulder. I love it! It's from the range of products Doribeth has brough from Miami for her new business Glow Company. I'll give you the link when the website is done.


Recently I have improved my work-look. Do you like it? I am going to be working all weekend now and I'll miss a good party tonight because of it :( huffff.... I hate when people explain how much fun they had the night before if I couldn't be there! But next weekend I'll have free, baby! Oh yeah!

And by the way... today two of my friends get a bit oooolder!!! Yes, yes it's YOU Bea and Siri!

I truly hope this will be a day to remember. Enjoy it very much (it's a saturday)!!!
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