Monday, September 27, 2010

Sometimes it's better not to wake up

As you alerady might know from my Facebook, my cellphone was stolen yesterday while I was at work. This was only the shittiest end to one very shitty day.It all started on saturday night. I worked until 11pm and I had to work sunday at 7am. When I have an early shift after a late shift, it is very difficult for me to sleep rightaway. I barely slept 2 hours that night. Around 6:30am I was on my way to work, cold because it was freezing outside. All of a sudden two drunk boys start to follow me and they both start singing loud at me: "Walk of shame!!!!". They were wasted and really stupid!!! Walk of shame?? Me? This was not the walk of shame you do when you leave a lover's house early in the morning so nobody will see you!! This is the WORKING CLASS HERO walk to work!!! I didn't answer to those assholes as I chose not to lead them on. But let me tell you, it was a hell of a way to work!
I arrived to the hotel and thanks to the really nice guests we happened to have this weekend I inmediately felt much better. It suckes way less to work in the weekend when there are funny guests around. Then, the worst happened.
A man kind of gypsy-east European looking (I'm guessing Albanian or something similar) came in the hotel. As suspicious as he seemed I decided to tell him that the price for a room was more expensive than it really was, because I didn't feel comfortable selling him a room. He then says that he is waiting for somebody and he's going to hang around in the lobby. Fine, I say. And I go back to cleaning after the breakfast.
Suddenly he is not around anymore. At 3pm, when I am ready to leave work my phone is missing. I call the number and they hang up!!! That motherfucking asshole had snooked into reception, maybe tried to open the cash (I always lock it so he had no chance to steal the money), might have seen my cellphone and left with it instead.
I cannot deny all kind of bad feelings towards that fucker coming into my mind! Aarrgghh, how I wish something horrible happened to him!!!!
Meanwhile I am phoneless, so I am only to be contacted by Facebook until I can fix this problem again.

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