Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bring me Haaarry Poootter

This afternoon Jonny and I have been to the movies to check the latest Harry Potter flick in 3D. The movie was at "Kongesalen" which is a new salon with extra big and comfortable armchairs made of red leather and a small table in between each armchair. There's also free water and coffee! I love 3D, it makes the whole movie experience so much better! And you get to keep the 3D glasses too, which is awesome because - as you can see - they are incredibly hot and sexy!
As for the movie, I think it was very good too. But honestly, it's been so long since I saw the previous ones that I've kind of forgotten what had happened and I didn't remember some of the characters. Like Neville Longbottom.... sorry to all the Neville Longbottom fans out there, but who the fuck is that guy?? I assume he was in the previous films too, but I don't remember. Someday I should have a Harry Potter marathon or something. Well, going to make some nuddles now. Seee yaaa!
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