Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bought the tickets!

I have just purchased the plane tickets to travel to Barcelona in Christmas time. This year though, things are going to be a little bit different. I will arrive to Barcelona on Desember the 14th and be there 2 weeks. Then, after Christmas I'm travelling to Trysil to spend new year's eve with my boyfriend and his family in Trysil. And the best news is that it was waaaaaaaaay cheaper than usual! Hehehe, it's a win-win situation!! What are your plans for Christmas?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Party at Doribeth

These pictures are from a party at Doribeth's that we had a couple of weeks ago. It was fun! Dori's husband, Christian, makes the best margaritas ever!

Crazy faces (even Priscilla!)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dinner out with my girls!

On saturday I went out with my girls Doribeth and Diana. First I met with Diana at Barmuda for some beers (yes, that's correct, I DRANK BEER). And then we went to AiSuma - one of the best restaurants in town (click on the name to check their website) -. I think they should post some pictures of their toilets! I'm not kidding! They are the nicest and cleanest I've seen so far! Well, we had a lovely meal. I ate beef, chicken filet and oxfilet with redwine sauce and vegetables. Delicious! We were so full that we couldn't eat dessert! The place is lovely and if it's your birthday you get free cake and the waitresses sing you the happy birthday song! We heared it three times that night!




After the restaurant we had a cocktail at Kos Lounge and since it was very crowded we had to share table with some old guys. Then, three young boys sat by our side and one of them was really flirty. I ignored him and Diana pretended not to speak Norwegian, but Doribeth spoke to him to get rid of him... and he only went on and on talking. The conversation stopped when he asked us if we were in the pub "to get us some man". What a jerk! Doribeth told him off and we soon left the place. But it was a lot of fun! We had Strawberry Daiquiris!! Mmmm!

Next time though, I will pretend I don't speak Norwegian, too! Looks like it's the quickest way to get rid off undesirable people. Or maybe say I have the swineflue, hihi!

This was my outfit (Blouse from Gina tricot, shorts from H&M):

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thank you Sony Ericsson!

Sony Ericsson has launched the new Ericsson Jalou, a perfect phone for girls! Not only has it been awarded for its innovative design (it comes in purple!!!) but it has a mirror and a lipgloss. And beyond superficialities like this... the phone has yet more to offer. It is the size of a matchbox, has a 3.2 megapixel camera and Internet access. I've heard there's a pink and gold version designed by Dolce & Gabanna - but I don't care, the purple non-Dolce & Gabanna is my favourite anyway! This might be my next phone... my Motorola V3 RAZR is already 3 years old and I start to find problems with it's tastature, so maybe it's time to switch phone? *Hint hint* ;-)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Jimmy Choo for H&M

Designer Jimmy Choo has been working with Hennes & Mauritz - H&M - for the new winter collection. The collection will be available from November 14th. Zebra monsters, black and some reds are predominant. And yes, Choo only does accessories (bags, shoes and boots). But it's good to see that us who can't afford to pay one thousand euros for a pair of shoes can still purchase Jimmy Choo. I love H&M! :-)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Quick post!

I was surfing the net and somehow crushed into this picture. It's a very pregnant Kate Gosselin (that American woman that gave birth to six babies). Have you seen the size of that belly?! Scary!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

England, baby!!

On wednesday the 4th November I'll be in England for 6 days! I'll travel there with Jonny and his parents and we'll be visiting Jonny's brother, who lives there. I'm so happy!! I've always wanted to go to England! Ever since I was around 14 I tried to look for a school to go and study English in the summers, but by some reason that never really happened. So I'm really glad I can finally visit England. I've always heard that British people are so friendly and polite so it's about time to check it out by myself! Jonny's brother and his family live in a place called Chichester, which is a town of about 20,000 inhabitants in the suburbs of Portsmouth. I've heard it takes about an hour to drive to London, and I hope we'll have the chance to do that! Everybody talks so nice of London (specially Vero!). I've been reading a bit about the town and it has a nice cathedral which offers free guided tours everyday. It also has a lot of open air museums and a Roman palace. Judging by the images Chichester looks like a beautiful place with plenty of grass and trees! Can't wait to be there!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New bag!

Bought this leopard bag at H&M! Like it?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

An old socialité

Today I was reading a history magazine when I read an article about a woman named Lillie Langtry, who the magazine calls 'the first Paris Hilton', meaning the first socialité (aka famous and popular woman known just for the fact that she is known, without having ever accomplished anything that lead them to recognition). Ms.Langtry lived in London in the beginning of the 20th century and it is said that her "beauty" (later you'll see why I am using quotation marks) made her be able to become an actress (just like Paris Hilton! Ha!) and also the mistress of some English royals. My point with this post is that I have made the observation that not only 'celebrities' are not something new from our times, but also Photoshop isn't new! In the old times though retouching was called painters or artists. Yes, if you don't believe me just look at Lillie Langstry herself. The following picture is painted by two artists. So pretty.... right??

Well now look further down to see Lillie's photograph! (That's right, no retouching!)

Well, hellooooo there Miss Ugly!! Nothing like the portraits, huh? See? Photoshop is nothing new! (Ok, maybe she is not the ugliest woman out there, but she looks a bit like a transvestite, don't you think? ;P). I am not sure what's the purpose of this post, but I googled her after I read the article (in which the pretty first picture was shown) and then found out picture number two (down) and I just thought: "Anyone else has noticed there's been a bribery here?".. cause it's either a big amount of cash from Lillie to the painter or we're talking about an artist who needs a visit to the doctor (and a pair of glasses too!).

Monday, October 12, 2009

Yigal Azrouël

Ever heard of him before? Yeah... me neither. But I got my last issue of Cosmopolitan (yes, I've got a subscription) and in the cover I saw one great dress by this designer. It's the one to the right --->

So I checked his website and found plenty of juicy stuff. It is - as you imagined - expensive (we're talking designer clothes here) but it is worth to take a look just for drooling a little bit.

This next picture is a collage that I put together:

This red dress you might have seen before. Kristen Stewart (Bella from "Twilight") wore it to the premiere of "New Moon". She was wearing it with SNICKERS!! (Someone should shoot her!).


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cosy food!

I've never really had a lot of confidence in my kitchen abilities, but I think there's place for improvement so lately I am trying to learn new recipees. When I lived by myself I never spent too much time cooking, it's very much stirring just for myself. But now that I live with Jonny I feel more eager to step in the kitchen and improve myself, since I can cook for both of us. Today I made waffles with brown cheese and enjoyed them with a good cup of coffee (it feels soooo good to have a coffee machine at home!). For dinner I made lamb meat with wok (red onions, yellow peppers and wok sauce) accompanied with nuddles. It was good!

Please, feel free to share any recipees you think are good with me, I'm open for new suggestions!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Signing out of the church

I finally decided to do something I've wanted to do for a long while: resign to be a member of the Catholic church. Simply because I am not a believer, I do believe the church is full of crap and hypocresi and it was never my decision to ever be baptized. I was 1 year old and I was forced to become a member of an institution that I have no respect for. The same institution that is against the use of condoms to prevent STDs, the same institution that discriminates homosexuals, that does not allow to have sex before marriage (yet EVERYONE does that, even those of you who are SOOO CHRISTIANS). The fact is that I am not allowed to vote, enter a disco or even sign up for the videoclub until I am 18 years old, but the church reserves its right to sign in everybody no matter age. I never gave permission to anyone to register me as a christian, yet apparently I am. And I DON'T WANT TO BE!!!! Fine by me if a person that is religious wants to be part of the church (everyone should be free to decide for themselves), but I do not wish to be and I don't unerstand why the church is making it so difficult to sign out! They are depriving me from my right to decide my faith (or lack of!). Oh wait, yes I know! Because the more people registered, the more right to subventions and MONEY! Please, let's not forget that the church is BUSINESS!!! (Shock!)

That's why I have started to fill up what in Spanish we call a "apostasía" which is a document where you voluntearily resign to the christian faith. Some say it is very difficult to sign out and that the different archbishoprics refuse the petitions for evert stupid little reason whatsoever, which only makes me even more furious!!! Anyway, if there's someone else interested I can send the formularies in Spanish, just ask!

Monday, October 5, 2009

They are here!!! Accompanied by a Patricia Field bag and a sticker. I love them! This is something a man will never understand (Jonny was looking weird at me because I was so excited) but it's the first time I buy designer stuff (that is not a perfume, that is).

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Candles for the dark season

Soon the hours of sunlight will be reduced, so I bought some candles of differents shapes, colours and smells and put them together in a silver tray, so we have a lot of them for the wintertime! U like?

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