Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dinner out with my girls!

On saturday I went out with my girls Doribeth and Diana. First I met with Diana at Barmuda for some beers (yes, that's correct, I DRANK BEER). And then we went to AiSuma - one of the best restaurants in town (click on the name to check their website) -. I think they should post some pictures of their toilets! I'm not kidding! They are the nicest and cleanest I've seen so far! Well, we had a lovely meal. I ate beef, chicken filet and oxfilet with redwine sauce and vegetables. Delicious! We were so full that we couldn't eat dessert! The place is lovely and if it's your birthday you get free cake and the waitresses sing you the happy birthday song! We heared it three times that night!




After the restaurant we had a cocktail at Kos Lounge and since it was very crowded we had to share table with some old guys. Then, three young boys sat by our side and one of them was really flirty. I ignored him and Diana pretended not to speak Norwegian, but Doribeth spoke to him to get rid of him... and he only went on and on talking. The conversation stopped when he asked us if we were in the pub "to get us some man". What a jerk! Doribeth told him off and we soon left the place. But it was a lot of fun! We had Strawberry Daiquiris!! Mmmm!

Next time though, I will pretend I don't speak Norwegian, too! Looks like it's the quickest way to get rid off undesirable people. Or maybe say I have the swineflue, hihi!

This was my outfit (Blouse from Gina tricot, shorts from H&M):
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