Saturday, October 17, 2009

England, baby!!

On wednesday the 4th November I'll be in England for 6 days! I'll travel there with Jonny and his parents and we'll be visiting Jonny's brother, who lives there. I'm so happy!! I've always wanted to go to England! Ever since I was around 14 I tried to look for a school to go and study English in the summers, but by some reason that never really happened. So I'm really glad I can finally visit England. I've always heard that British people are so friendly and polite so it's about time to check it out by myself! Jonny's brother and his family live in a place called Chichester, which is a town of about 20,000 inhabitants in the suburbs of Portsmouth. I've heard it takes about an hour to drive to London, and I hope we'll have the chance to do that! Everybody talks so nice of London (specially Vero!). I've been reading a bit about the town and it has a nice cathedral which offers free guided tours everyday. It also has a lot of open air museums and a Roman palace. Judging by the images Chichester looks like a beautiful place with plenty of grass and trees! Can't wait to be there!
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