Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Faux fur

Relax Greenpeacers, environmentalits and PETA supporters. I'm wearing fake fur. All of what I am waring today (except the necklace which I got from Dori's trip to Croatia) is from H&M. I think it's about time they give me the VIP card there. Half my wardrobe is from that store!
I thought monday would be the last day I saw Dori before I left, but actually today is. She's leaving on saturday and will be studying at the same school my cousin went to when she was there. Two and a half months in Malta. I am happy for her. Hadn't it been for the studying opportunity I got when I was at the university, I probably would have never put my feet in Norway. And at first I wasn't even conviced! Vero brainwashed me! (Thank your for doing that by the way!). I really have no idea what would be of me hadn't I moved to Norway. Moving to another country to study or work for some time is a once in a life experience. I will never forget how it was like when I first came to Norway. And Dori deserves to be able to experience it herself. Meet people from all over the world, practice her English, see new places, try new food and learn other traditions and culture.

It's raining today but it's not too cold, so I hope to keep warm in this. What do you think? Do you like the outfit?
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