Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fadderuka på NTNU

Yes folks! On monday Fadderuka started! And so, what is Fadderuka? Fadder is a Norwegian word to design a person who is like your "guide" or your "godfather", and uka means "week". So it's the week when the old students show the new students all there is to know about Trondheim, school life, timeplans, studies, classrooms, and there are plenty of parties and concerts the whole week!
For the moment I have just been to the presentation where I got to meet 6 of my classmates (I didn't manage to make friends with any of them, yet) but I hope I am going to meet some more people.

Tonight there's a Hawaian party at Tiger Tiger, that I hope I will go to! And on saturday party at Ove's place, celebrating the summer is over and we're all back to Trondheim!

Have a great weeked, guys!
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