Thursday, November 11, 2010

A weekend visitor

Good morning! Yesterday Doritbeth and Christian dropped Shakira off. We're having her for a couple of days. She is mostly staying with Doribeth now that Diana and Frode are both in Colombia, but Dori has just started a new job as a Spanish teacher and she's already taking care of her own dog. So we'll slip her off her duty for a couple of days.
Look at the cute jersey Doribeth made her! I put my hat on her for the picture, doesn't she look really French?

We've aldready been for a walk today. It's freezing outside! I got stopped by a lady who was really amused by Shakira's jersey, she loved it!

By the way!! Diana, darling, don't worry. I found Shakira a boyfriend today! It's a male bichon frisée that lives in the same street as me. They smelled each other, they played and they didn't want to leave each other! Love at first sight! I told her you live in Møllenberg and she told me where she lives. She said her dog seemed (I quote) "very interested". So in the next løpetid you will have to have "the talk" with Shakira hahaha! Make her a woman!

See you!
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