Sunday, November 14, 2010

Where am I at?

Two years ago in October 2008 I made a post about my pyramid of priorities. I was just reading back at my old posts when I bumped into it again. So I was checking how many of my objectives have I accomplished. (I just realised now that I unconsciously wrote the pyramid in Spanish).

Let's see. My top priority - finding the ideal boyfriend - has been accomplished successfully. Yey!
There was also mention about clothes and accessories, which I have a lot of thanks to my employment. Another win.
Below on the left I talk about my wish to travel and learn more languages. I have traveled a little (Barcelona, England, Paris) and my Norwegian is waaay better than it was in 2008, but I haven't learnt any new language yet.
Above to the right I put friendship. Here I've made big improvements: I made two intimate friends- Diana and Doribeth - who in 2008 were just some girls I started to get to know. Today I can say they are my friends.
I also talk about my favourite TV-shows (I am a TV pig... I love to lie on the couch and watch TV). I've discovered a lot of good shows: The Big Bang Theory, Dexter, Mad Men, Family Guy, Weeds, Californication... ETC! I've done good there, too. Parties have also been improving!
Then there's the bottom right corner: work. I have definetly improved. In 2008 I was cleaning hotel rooms and now I sit in reception. But in my pyramid I talked about the importance of enjoying work since we spend a third of our day in it. Do I enjoy my work more? Hmmm... at times, but mostly not. So that's one objective I haven't accomplished.
And finally, up on the left I talk about my time on the internet to keep in touch with the friends I left behind in Barcelona. I feel I use a lot of time on the internet, but that doesn't necessarly mean I am being social. I gotta work on that one, too!

All in all not too bad! What about you, people? Do you set objectives for yourselves?
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