Saturday, May 21, 2011


Helloooo! I woke up today to a little bit of sun.... wonderful. I took a shower, put a hydrating mask on my face, ate breakfast, went to the store to buy food and even had time to fix my nails this morning! Yesterday I did my feet, too. I've turned my livingroom into a spa! :-)

 Do you like this shade?

I miss Jonny!!! The fact he had to leave two days before he started work is gruesome! I realized it's still eleven days til he comes back from Melkøya. I don't like to sit alone in the couch and don't have him there. Argh, I hope these days go by fast!!!!
Today at work I am having the new weekend receptionist for the last day of training. That means she'll be doing everything while I watch. Hehe, I could get used to this ;-P I hope she's nice so the conversation will go fluidly and the day will go by faster. I'm going to make myself some coffee now. See you!
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