Saturday, January 17, 2009

Max Manus

Yesterday I went to the movies to watch the Norwegian production "Max Manus". It is so far the biggest Norwegian production with a budget of 3,3 million Norwegian crowns (over 24 million euros). Max Manus is the story of a man who stood in the resistence against the nazis when they ocuppied Norway. He and his camerates conspired against the Germans until Hitler's dead. Manus is one of the few survivors of the Norwegian resistancy and during the whole movie has to cope with the death of his friends and camerates.

The production of the movie is great and so is the storyline. At the same time it still has some "war humour" and, of course, a love story. Max Manus is based on real life. The real life Max Manus battled against his alcohol problems and died at an old age in 1996.

I hope the movie will be translated into - at least - English so you get to see it, too.

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