Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bras don't cure cancer!

I know I haven't made the biggest of statements with this post title, but I am just trying to prove a point here. Recently, a new Facebook trend has started which consists of posting in your status what color is your bra today. This - according to the "ingenious" creators - is meant to raise awareness for breast cancer.
Oh yeah, because knowing my neighbour is wearing a pink leopard bra sure makes me think a lot about breast cancer. It is smashing logical.
Well, it is STUPID!!! Even though you create awareness (which seriously we do not need because we all know someone that has had cancer at some point), do you think this means shit? Oh, you wrote on Facebook you're wearing a white bra with butterflies and suddenly the world is a more cancer-free place, right? You must all feel so good about yourselves! How solidary! You are a bunch of idiots!!!! And what you think is a "great purpose" is just a godamn stupidity so ridiculosly stupid that it puts you at the same intelectual level as a teletubbie!
You want to help cure cancer? Make a donation to a cancer research institution! Or remind your friends to get a mamography once a year!

Is it only me or do you also feel annoyed by internet groups in the likes of "Make a hundred clicks and a handicap will receive a wheelchair"??? Like that is even true?!?! Let's be a bit smarter, yes?
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