Saturday, September 11, 2010

St.Sulpice, the Pantheon, the Luxembourg Gardens and rue de Mouffetard

Hi! Today we came back where we had left the day before and we got to enter the church of St.Sulpice. It was very beautiful and the entrance is also free. One good thing about France is that churches have got free entrance for everybody. After that we went to the Luxembourg gardens. There was a lot of people! Some of them were playing tennis in the courts, others were strolling and most of them were lying down enjoying the sun and warm weather. Since we were close to the Pantheon we though we'd take a look at it. It took us a while to find it but it was totally worth the effort. We visited the graves of some of the biggest French personalities such as the writers Voltaire, Zola, Victor Hugo and Alexander Dumas; the Nobel winners Piere and Marie Curie and the inventor of a written language for the blind, Monsieur Braille.
Right after that we followed a recommendation we got and headed to rue de Mouffetard, a street with plenty of shops and restaurants. There we got some ice cream at the chocolate boutique you can see in the 5th picture. There were some really cool graffiti art in the walls of the street and we finally ate our lunch there. Jonny was brave enough to eat frog! I tried it. It doesn't taste bad but it kind of grossed me out. I played it safe and ate schrimps and duck. That's all! We didn't have time for Montmartre, so we'll go there tomorrow instead. Have a good weekend!

I thought I'd make an observation: most streets in Paris smell like pee. Oh, and most Frenchmen like sweat! Yuck...
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