Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The apocalypse is coming

Of my social life that is. Next month I will live my life like a munk in a solitary monastery. I am going to work every weekend of the month and even night shifts! The main night receptionist is going on vacation and someone (read 'me') has to cover up for her.
Today at work we had a co-worker conversation with my boss. It's the time of the year where he pretends to care listens our opinions regarding our job, writes them down in a piece of paper and nothing ever changes again. I've done this at least 3 times before and trust me, nothing is ever different. But on the bright side I had the chance to speak up my mind about some things that I think are not cool that he does, like for example when he calls on my free day. Whether he is going to change that or not is yet to be seen, but at least he knows how I feel about it.

Well, I should try to sleep now. It's 02:15 am and because I slept a nap after dinner I am not tired now. I have yet to see if I am going to meet Doribeth tomorrow. I have been trying to get together with both Dori and Diana at the same time, but that seems to be impossible. When one has free, the other one is busy, if not I am myself busy! So we'll see how we manage.

Nighty night! Don't let the bed bugs bite! And if they bite, bite them back so they won't bite for another night!
(Did I get it right this time, Jonny?)
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