Sunday, January 23, 2011

Girls night out

These are the pictures from yesterday's night out. We started off with some margaritas at Doribeth's place.

 Then we took a taxi downtown and ate dinner at "Frida", the local Mexican restaurant.

- Mmmm! Quesadillas! 

After to strawberry margaritas we left with the owners of the restaurant to a latin party. The place was kind of small, mostly filled with old people who've been going to salsa course and really love showing off. I really don't like to dance latin music, much less with a bunch of latino boys around. They are like sharks [see picture below for exhibit 1].
After the latino party was over, I was ready to go home when the girls had the idea of going back to Frida with the owners and have a nachspiel.

I spent the next two hours at Frida being chatted up by a Colombian with Spanish passport. Everytime I make the suggestion to leave, the boys start inviting us to beer and tequila. Arghh.. great. Doribeth was looking like she was starting to get bored. I had had enough of latin... everything! Cinthia was just in for the music and the only who seemed to have some fun was Maria who was dancing with everybody. In the end we left the place around 4:30 am and took a taxi back home.

Tonight Jonny and I are going to the movies to watch the new Harry Potter flick. I hope it's good! 
Enjoy what's left over from the weekend! 

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