Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Trip to Barcelona

I must have seemed to forget to mention that Jonny and I were travelling to Barcelona. We arrived on monday and we've been keeping busy with good food and wine, hehe. Yesterday my dad took us wine tasting. We drove to another city called Vilafranca del Penedès. The Penedès region is the epicentre of the Catalan wine and cava production. We went winetasting and my dad bought five bottles to take back home.

Later at night we exchanged Christmas presents. This is our Christmas tree. Notice how much my mom loves glitter.

 This is a head massager

 This is a gift from Jonny's parents to my parents

Ours is a tiny little tree hehe

Tonight we are going to watch the Three Wise Men parade and on thursday my whole family (on my dad's side) is coming over to eat dinner. We'll be 13 people.
See you later!
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