Sunday, November 22, 2009


I am so exhausted!! I've worked 58 hours this week. And there has been so much to do! Full hotel, lots of guests and extra hours! So I'm glad I have free tomorrow because today my energy was lower than ever! I barely can keep myself awake when I come from work. I took this in the elevator hehe, I am smiling in the picture but I was really tired. In two years that I have worked at Chesterfield, there has never been so many rooms as today! The grand finale for an exhausting week. This job is so physical, you know. You never get to sit down for a while (except for when you have a break, of course). So you feel the stress in your muscles and especially in the back. Well, enough whinning for now. I have free tomorrow! Probably I'm going Christmas shopping with Jonny. Gonna be fun trying to get presents without having an idea of what people wish for themselves. Good luck with that....
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