Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'd suck at being a shrink!

Hellowwwwwwww! Today I had the most insane guest at the hotel. Seriously. I've never seen anyone as demented as that lady. I really don't want to explain the whole story but long story made short: she thought her ex-boyfriend followed her, called from the room 20,000 times, bugged me with different things another 20,000 times and when it was time to pay her bill she started to cry and shout at me and to put the wrong PIN-code on her credit card so she wouldn't be charged and tried to leave without paying. I told myself I wouldn't let her get her way with me. In the end I had to lock the door (she was in such condition she didn't manage to unlock it), took her card from her, told her in a not so nice way to put the right PIN-code this time, keep her from taking the card out of the bank terminal too early and when the transaction was completed (after the forth time I tried) I begged her to leave and never come back to the hotel. She left with a cap and sunglasses as if she was running from the FBI or something. Crazy woman.
The lady called me names because we caught her smoking in the room and she thought that by making drama, crying and shouting she'd leave without paying. HA! Not with this bitch in reception!!! >:D moahahaha. I think I have no patience for people's crap. There's some people who have a lot of empathy towards others. They feel sorry for people who are nuts. I don't. I am more in favour of keeping your personal shit to yourself. Or blog about it! :D It's like a shrink but free. In my case, it makes me feel a bit better. When I am frustrated about work I think it helps me to talk about it a little bit. But the difference with me and the cockoo lady is that I don't cry, shout or insult people who are trying to do their work.

Now I've been outside with Priscilla. Dori is picking her up tomorrow. I'm going to be so alone! My Jonny is leaving tonight. He's going to his parents and after to a music festival in Budapest. I can't go because I have to work but I hope I can have free the last week of august so I can go to Trysil with him. And in september... Paris!!! Oh, I am so looking forward to it!! I hope we can go up the Eiffel Tower. Last time the line was so huge that I couldn't go up, but now we're going there in september and I believe there's going to be less of a queue. I also would like to see the Moulin Rouge from outside and visit Montmatre. But what I look most forward to is Versailles!!! Oh, 9 days are a lot of days to do and see things in Paris. And what's going to be the best about it all: the company! ;)
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