Friday, August 13, 2010

Wipe her, clean there...

Hi there! Today I woke up at 11 am, showered, got dressed and switch on to the cleaning freak modus. You see, I like to keep the apartment clean but I admit there is one room in the house that hasn't had the privilege of regular tidyness: the bedroom. As you can see from the picture, the bed occuipes about 80% of the total bedroom area, which difficults the cleaning process. In addition, there are lots of boxes and other storage items under the bed and it is impossible to vacuum or wash the floor under there. So I moved everything out and washed. I did wash the windows, the floor, I vacuumed in every corner!
But why today? Well... tonight while I was comfortably sleeping in my bed, I turned around to find a better sleeping position. I opened up my eyes a bit and what do I see crawling on the wall? A nasty brown spider! At this point I realised all the dust under the bed might make the bedroom the ideal place for insects and spiders. There even was a small spiderweb on the highest corner of the window! Normally I wouldn't have looked up here because the courtains are always shut in the bedroom, but that freaking spider really grossed me out.

So now the bedroom is clean, tidy and spider-free! (Unnecessary piece of information: the cloth I used to wipe the windows - both inside and outside - is brown now). Nummy!
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