Friday, August 6, 2010

Shopping day with my girls

Today Doribeth and Christian picked Priscilla up. They bought me cheese, chocolate, a perfum and some lovely Sephora summer glow lotion from the trip. Thank you so much! After they left, I went to the city centre to meet Diana. Dori came along and met us afterwards and the three of us went shopping. By the way, Dori told me that when she got home Priscilla started to cry a little. I guess someone misses her auntie Eva! ;-)
It's been a warm day though cloudy. All the shops in the city have amazing discounts now that they have to get rid of all the summer clothes. So both Diana and I have this amazing Oasis dress! I loooooooove it! I just wonder when I will get to use it, but hey... there's space in my closet and in my heart for it! :-D

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