Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I want summer NOW

I am so sick of this weather!! From "warmth" back to rain or even snow... IN MAY!!! I can't believe some people are still defending there is not such thing as climate change. Are you kidding me? The world's gone crazy! I read there was even snow in Spain in May.

I looked back at my Fotolog yesterday and rescued these pictures, from the trip to Granada with my dear Vero:

I was sick with fever, but the weather and the landscape were so amazing I think I recovered fast! It was so idyllic! Why can't it be like this here, too? We've got mountains, lakes and rivers... now we need sun and warmth!

I cancelled the birthday barbecue I had planned for saturday. The weather forecast can't agree on whether it's going to rain or be sunny. I'm not taking chances, so we'll have a party at home instead. It's gonna be too crowded for the little space we have, but I won't start grilling in the sun to find myself soaking wet right after. This is Trondheim; it CAN happen!
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