Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My new haircut!

Hi there! I just came from the dentist. It was far less traumatizing than I thought. I just got a deep rensing of my teeth and I got 50% off as well! Nice!
I wanted to comment on some hair products that I think are really good. The first ones are the JUST GLOW shampoo and conditioner. They provide extra shine and moist to the hair at a very reasonable price. And since you can't longer find Herbal Essences in the regular store, these ones have a very similar smell. Try them!

The second one is TIGI Bed Head After Party. It's a styling cream that provides extra glance and holds your hairdo all night long! In addition to this, it smells really good and it is not greasy. Your hair will be incredibly smooth!

Someone noticed something about my hair? No? Really? I CUT IT!!

Do you like it? And most important... Do you see the difference? It's shorter in the front.

On my way home from the dentist I took some pictures. The one thing I like about Trondheim is that you're in the city and suddenly you have these really tiny streets that have old wood houses painted in bright colors with a lot of flowers in the entrance. They remind me of those houses you'd see in a small village. So lovely! Trondheim is a city of contrasts.

Now as soon as Jonny is done watching the last episode of "Lost", we're going to watch "The Big Bang Theory" season finale. I don't follow "Lost" but judging from what I see the ending is quite full of drama. Again, I have no idea about what the story is about, but it's all about goodbyes and love stories.

Well, blog you later!
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