Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trying the hair curler

Good morning!

Good for all of you who are enjoying the summer and heat, not so good for all of you living in Trondheim. Seriously, when is it going to stop raining?

Today I thought I'd try the hair curler I got from Diana. I woke up and that's the first thing I thought I'd do. I can see the curls are slightly bigger but not huge. I like them though. Specially now that I've cut my hair. I don't think I could have big curls ahd short hair, that would just look weird hehe.

Jonny made rice cream yesterday. It's basically similar to the 'milk and rice' dessert with cranberry jam on top. It was good but not exactly how it was supposed to be, according to Jonny. I had never tried this before, so I don't know how it's suposed to taste like. I just know I liked it, but I can't eat big amounts. He'll make a second attempt later tonight.

In a while we're going to check on some sales at Clas Ohlson - great store for household and multimedia products. You find everything at a very reasonable price.
Tonight's the Eurovision contest. I don't want to watch that shit. The music is horrible and everything is politics anyway, so who cares. I don't even know who is representing Spain this year. Probably some shitty artist with an even shittier song so they make sure they don't win. After all, Spain went bankrupt - it's not like they can afford a Eurovision contest next year! I'm guessing that applies for Grece and Island as well.
Will you be watching that crap?
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