Sunday, May 23, 2010


Aren't sundays really boring? For me the only interesting thing to do on a sunday is go to the movies or get take-out food and watch a movie at home. I checked the movie box and there was nothing really interesting, so we made hot dogs and watched "Precious". What a sad film. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but it is pretty tragic. And the poor girl's mom is an evil b****... I could feel the anger inside of me! But overall it is a good movie. Watch it if you have the chance to!

I am writing from my fictional pink bedroom. I was looking for cute backgrounds for my desktop. Yesterday Jonny fixed my computer but I have to configurate things again and install a lot of programs and so on. But it is already going much faster! I bumped into this bedroom picture and I remembered of how much I wanted a pink bedroom when I was younger - though I never admitted it because pink is my mom's favourite color and I told her I hated it just to be rebel.
In the end, I found this beautiful landscape that I have now as background. I look at it and inmediatly think of Switzerland. It's a beautiful, green and clean country and those mountains look a lot like tha Alps, don't they? I wish I could back to Switzerland. It was such a joy to be there!
By the way, today it's only 11 days til the Sex and the City movie! Am I the only one that's counting? :-P I hope it's better than the first one! Not that I didn't like it but the whole after-wedding break up felt like an eternity.

We're going to warm up some pizza now so...
blog you later!
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